Saturday, September 4, 2010

today went to many shopping malls at orchard,
bought food at takashimaya first,
then walked around and found all the super ex stores ):
then to ion orchard,
got kinda lost before we reached far east plaza,
first time i spent quite a lot(to me,yesyes,imma miser)on food!!:O
normally,i would eat at home b4 i go out to spend money on things that will last longer,
like APPARELS!!!
but this time i only spent money on food,
had wanton mee and bubble tea in far east plaza,
in some grafitti cafe,damn cool,i sat on a chair which has writings of show luo,
and wanling sat on a chair which has writtings of shinee,
and of cos,the wall was full of other writings,
i saw alot about kpop groups and stars,
like 2am,2pm,wondergirls,shinee and many more which i cant rmb,
while walking along,
also heard alot of kpop songs,
wooooooooooo korean wave~ME LIKEYYYYY~:D
was sick of "can we pretend that airplanes hit the night skies like shooting stars"
and "love the way you lie" though,
too many stores playing and too much rap gives me headache!!T.T
far east plaza was a letdown to me,
other than food paradise and the nice looking cafe,
i didnt buy any apparels):
they either didnt suit me or was too expensive):
imma so sad now cos this is supposed to be my last shopping trip b4 o's!):
said to go out one day during September holidays though,
JUST ONE DAY,im telling you no one can study 24/7,you really will go mad,
oh,my prelims are OVER!:D
proud of myself to overcome the feeling of running from the examination hall,
gotta admit i was so tempted to,but it feels good once you finish,
studying hard and going for it despite fears is like half the battle won
you know,when you just dont wanna hurt your self esteem,your ego
you try to protect it,for me,these exams hurts,
those stupid mistakes always make me..
lets just say feel like banging my head on the wall and just bleed and die..
but well,in conclusion,no escapes,tried my best,enough for me :D

teachers day cards me and wanling worked on last minute,
didnt prepare any gifts and all,
few days before i had 2 teachers that disappointed me..
-vented and deleted :D-
sry you didnt see it,it was here awhile ago!
(oh,i wont answer anything regarding this!forget forget forget,takes time but maybe its possible)